All my love, M

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Supreeta, mixed media on canvas, 4’x3’, 2019

Supreeta and I met 8 years ago in Los Angeles through my husband and we have been close friends since. My husband and I crashed her first date with her husband, Tota, and it was really special for us to be a part of their story! Supreeta is incredibly warm, welcoming, and full of life. Not to mention a complete lady boss who runs a successful law practice, while raising a 4 year old. I love that she isn’t afraid to talk about the hard stuff, that she loves a good beer, and that when I visit her house it feels like home.

The piece I created for Supreeta reflects the burst of energy that she is! Bright yellow is the color that comes to mind when I think of my dear friend and it is an integral part of the color palette. Supreeta also used to be a Bharatanatyam dancer, which is a classical dance form from South India. As an homage to her heritage, I integrated motifs inspired by traditional Bharatanatyam jewelry and dress. Lastly, I played with fluid lines throughout the entire piece to add a bit of movement.

I am beyond grateful to have the chance to honor our friendship through art and hope the piece brings a bit of happy into her life. Here’s to you, Supreeta!
all my love,

Chat with Supreeta

Life has taught me: We really do create our reality through our thoughts. My grandfather often used to say to me as a kid, "As you think, so shall you become." I've kept this mantra in my head since then and have never stopped being amazed by its powerful truth at various points in my life.

I’ve recently read/listened to/watched: I keep a stash of short, thought-provoking reads by my bedside to end the day with some reflection. Right now I have Pocket Maya Angelou Wisdom open and just read, "I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver."  So appropriate for this blog!  Giving also warms the soul of the receiver.  I can’t thank you enough May for your exquisite labor of love.  I smile big every time I pass by your painting in our foyer. I am reminded of our special friendship with you and your family, the memories we have built and keep building together and the importance of creativity in our lives! 

Life moment that still makes me cringe, crack up, or both: My husband and I took our recently turned four-year-old son for his annual physical. His doctor took out a disposable wooden spatula to look in his mouth. Our son opened his mouth wide with the doctor barely using the spatula as she exclaimed, "Oh that was great! I shouldn't have taken this spatula out that I now have to throw out." Our son replied in all seriousness, "Yes, you're not really saving the environment." I couldn't hide my proud mama chuckle.